Project Name: Modernização e capacitação das instalações – Decorgel
Project Code: PDR2020-3.3.1-FEADER-049697
Main Objective: Reforçar a competitividade do setor agroalimentar e florestal
Intervention Region: Norte
Beneficiary Entity: Decorgel – Produtos Alimentares SA
Approval Date: 08/05/2019
Start Date: 28/09/2018
Completion Date: 11/06/2021
Total Eligible Cost: 365 013.10€
Financial Support from the European Union: 87 603,16€
National Public Financial Support: 21 900,81€
The renovation and remodeling of our industrial facilities and the reinforcement of equipment will allow for an increase in production capacity, an increase in storage capacity and the implementation of BRC certification, which will consequently lead to an increase in business volume, will allow the entry into new markets, increasing the quality and innovation of products and the consequent creation of jobs.